Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas are PRAYING you ignore this email

Let America Vote

BREAKING FROM CBS NEWS: "Trump seeks to overturn criminal conviction, citing Supreme Court immunity decision"!!!

πŸ›‘ STOP what you’re doing.
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🟒 Just keep scrolling and read this:

Democrats in Congress are fighting tooth and nail to pass the Judiciary Act. WHY? It would allow President Biden to appoint FOUR new justices to the Supreme Court. If we passed this bill, we’d END the nightmare right-wing majority we have now. We need to raise $50,000 by MIDNIGHT to fuel our campaign to help Democrats pass this bill. Will you rush $5 right now?

Conservative justices

Listen friend,

-- The Supreme Court is a right-wing extremist DISASTER
-- They’ve already RUINED voting rights, abortion access, and more
-- Top Democrats want to pass the Judiciary Act to restore balance to the court and give Biden 4 new justices!
-- But the Republican House Majority is hellbent on BLOCKING this bill at any and all costs

If Republicans win this fight, we’ll be stuck with our right-wing extremist Supreme Court for DECADES.

That’s why we’re rushing to raise $50,000 before midnight to make sure that doesn’t happen and get this bill PASSED!

If you care AT ALL about the future of the Supreme Court, will you chip in $5 right now to help Democrats pass the Judiciary Act? >>

Rush $5 Now >>
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Rush $50 Now >>
Rush $100 Now >>
Rush a Custom Amount Now >>

Thanks for reading,

Let America Vote

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Obama: You've got to pay attention and vote

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