Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Yes, Andra, this is really happening, and we need to wake up

In Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court just set the stage for Donald Trump to be elected president one last time and then become a dictator. This is the same way Hitler came to power in Nazi Germany.

Dear MoveOn member,

The MAGA Supreme Court just made what may be its most horrific and terrifying decision yet, paving the way for a future president to take bribes, engage in a military coup, and politically prosecute his political rivals with impunity—and even outright order their assassination.1

Yes, Andra, you read that right. In Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court just set the stage for Donald Trump to be elected president one last time and then become a dictator. This is the same way Hitler came to power in Nazi Germany.2 Vox calls it a "blueprint for dictatorship."3 The 2024 election is all that's standing in the way.

As Justice Sonia Sotomayor said in her blistering dissenting opinion, the Supreme Court majority just made the president "a king above the law." She wrote, "[W]hen [the president] uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."4

Andra, the Supreme Court has just put the future of American democracy on the ballot. The 2024 election may well be our last chance to stop America from becoming a fascist dictatorship under Donald Trump.

We absolutely MUST prevail in defeating Trump and electing Democrats to Congress, which has the power to rein in the Supreme Court with new rules governing it, legislation that reverses some of its worst decisions, an ethics code with real teeth, and even court expansion to minimize the MAGA justices' influence.

Please start a donation of $5 a month to help defeat Donald Trump and elect Democrats to rein in his MAGA Supreme Court.

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

If Trump wins the election outright—or comes close enough for the Supreme Court to decide in his favor—he will be emboldened never to leave the White House.5

He will, thanks to this decision, be unconstrained by the checks and balances that constrained him in his first term. And keep in mind, Trump barely left the White House before.6 Now, he has vowed to turn the government against his political enemies in a second term.7

Trump has done and said all these things, and instead of writing it off as bluster, we should believe him. Our only hope for preserving the rule of law, for reining in the Supreme Court, and for saving our democracy is to resoundingly defeat Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans at the ballot box.

Please donate $5 a month to help defeat Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans so we can rein in his MAGA Supreme Court.

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Thanks to this horrifying decision, if Trump becomes president, he will now be immune from prosecution for nearly everything he does, even if he overtly and deliberately breaks the law in the process.

Now that the Supreme Court has abdicated their responsibility to the Constitution, it is entirely up to us, the voters, to save our freedoms and our democracy.

That's why we're pulling out all the stops. We cannot afford to make ANY cuts, or scale back one bit, in light of the stakes.

  • We're launching a major sustained campaign to combat Trump's lies and propaganda, and now, responding to them on TikTok, where, according to the Pew Research Center, one-third of people under 30 are getting their news.
  • We're fighting to expose Project 2025—the right's nearly 1,000-page blueprint for turning America into a fascist police state, by executive order and without an act of Congress, if Trump is reelected.
  • And we're running a massive effort to connect with 1.5 million "surge" voters—Democratic-leaning voters who don't regularly vote—in battleground states, who will make the difference between winning and losing this November. We're contacting these surge voters through postcards, targeted ads, text messages, phone-banking, and more to connect with them about the terrible policies that Trump plans to implement, hear their concerns, and turn them out to vote.

Will you chip in $5 a month to help defeat Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

MoveOn will never stop fighting for the future of America as a democracy.

But if Trump wins, let's be real: He is very likely to turn the government against Democrats and progressives, including progressive organizations like MoveOn, in new and unprecedented ways. And thanks to this corrupt Supreme Court, he'll do so with total impunity, knowing he cannot be prosecuted for doing so, even if he breaks the law in the process.

That's the kind of dark future that the Supreme Court has made possible and that Donald Trump is embracing in his actions and words—and why we must win this election.

The best way to avoid a nightmare scenario is to defeat Trump and MAGA Republicans resoundingly. $5 a month, or whatever you can afford, will help us save democracy.

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

Thanks for all you do.

–Alexis, Gabi, Mohammad, Kelsey, and the rest of the team

P.S. This isn't the only terrifying Supreme Court decision of the term. The court's decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Secretary of Commerce overturned a 40-year precedent, taking away expert federal agencies' ability to implement critical health, safety, and consumer protections. Air pollution. Food safety. Monopolies and corporate power. Regulations we depend on to be able to live our lives in safety and comfort are in now in serious danger of being overturned.

We cannot let Trump reach the White House again under a Supreme Court ready to give him blanket immunity and the legal cover to destroy our nation's protections. We have the power to put a stop to this off-the-rails Supreme Court MAGA majority, by electing Democrats willing to finally rein them in, but we can do it only with your help.

Will you help power our game-changing election work today by donating $5 a month?

Yes, I'll chip in monthly.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.


1. "TRUMP v. UNITED STATES," U.S. Supreme Court, July 1, 2024

2. "How Hitler Used Democracy to Take Power," Time, April 26, 2024

3. "The Supreme Court's disastrous Trump immunity decision, explained," Vox, July 1, 2024

4. "TRUMP v. UNITED STATES," U.S. Supreme Court, July 1, 2024

5. "Biden says Trump wouldn't concede next time: 'Losers are never graceful,'" Axios, March 4, 2024

6. "Donald Trump almost didn't leave the White House. Because, of course." CNN, September 12, 2022

7. "Trump's Vows to Prosecute Rivals Put Rule of Law on the Ballot," The New York Times, June 5, 2024

Want to support MoveOn's work? The MAGA movement's book bans have forced teachers and librarians across the country to remove books from their shelves and censor what young people can learn. MoveOn is fighting back, including by filling a "Banned Bookmobile" with books that the far right has banned and driving it to key cities and towns to raise the visibility of book bans, hand out banned books for free, and bring people together to stop censorship. To keep up the fight against book bans and the MAGA politicians who support them, we need your help.

Will you start a monthly gift to power and sustain MoveOn's critical work? 

Yes, I'll chip in $5 a month.

No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. MoveOn Political Action - PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.

This email was sent to Andra Patterson on July 3, 2024. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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