Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Why yard signs are so central

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Cynthia -

Exciting news! Our first full shipment of yard signs is in, and they're flying out the door! I'm a big believer that yard signs aren't just yard signs—they serve as value statements and even acts of political courage.

Photo of Elissa Slotkin for Senate yard sign

When I first decided to run for office in 2018, people told me that I had no shot. It was a conservative district that had voted for Trump and had an entrenched Republican incumbent. But I ignored them, and started campaigning across the district, in blue areas, in purple areas, and in red areas that hadn't seen a Democrat in a long time.

And something funny started to happen in those red areas. One person would take a small brave act and put out one of our lawn signs, making a statement about where they stood.

All of a sudden, you'd go back to that same neighborhood and see a few more lawn signs. And then a few more.

That first act of political courage opened the door to other people who didn't know that their neighbors felt the same way.

That's why I'm so excited to be getting yard signs out the door and onto lawns. But we need your help blanketing the state—will you chip in $3 to help us cover the cost of more yard signs? Help us get yard signs in every lawn and in every town in the state.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Thank you,




P.O. Box 4145
East Lansing, MI 48826

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Elissa Slotkin served in the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense. Use of her job titles and photographs during service do not imply endorsement by the Central Intelligence Agency OR the Department of Defense.

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