Saturday, March 4, 2023

Re: Will you sign this petition to confront Fox News's rampant partisan lies and disinformation?

Demand that cable service providers across the country make Fox News optional for all of us who still believe in democracy and truth. 

Breaking: MoveOn launched an ad calling Fox out on their lies—and they rejected airing it. Watch the video and sign the petition to hold them accountable now!

Dear MoveOn member,

Fox News can't get away with their manipulation and lies any longer. That's why MoveOn launched a member-funded ad calling out Fox (with their anchors' own words!) for willingly lying to viewers by spreading fake claims about the 2020 election. Their refusal to air the ad shows that they're scared of their viewers' knowing the truth, but we won't back down.

Fox CEO Rupert Murdoch even admitted under oath that he knew Fox News hosts were promoting lies about the 2020 election—and he chose not to stop them.1 The recent revelations prove that Fox had no remorse and willingly spread harmful conspiracy theories that undermined our democracy.2 And they will continue to spread these lies for profit and to push their political agenda. We have to stop them.

Will you join more than 110,000 MoveOn members and sign the petition to demand that cable providers make Fox optional? Sign and check out the video now!

Together, we can hold Fox News accountable.

Thanks for all you do.

–David, Bekir, Vickie, Nakia, and the rest of the team


1. "Rupert Murdoch says Fox stars 'endorsed' lies about 2020. He chose not to stop them," NPR, February 28, 2023

2. "Off the air, Fox News stars blasted the election fraud claims they peddled," NPR, February 16, 2023


Sign the petition: Stop forcing Fox on consumers—it's not "news"!

Dear MoveOn member,

A bombshell court filing has just pulled the curtain back on Fox "News," showing in private text messages what we've known for decades: that Fox peddles hate and fear, not news.1

Hundreds of pages of internal text messages between top Fox propagandists, made public as part of a lawsuit alleging that they knowingly aired lies about the 2020 election, show Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and other right-wing anchors, all the way up to Fox News's CEO, knew they were lying to their viewers and the public by trumpeting Trump's fraudulent claims to undermine the election.

The texts aren't merely embarrassing—they provide chilling evidence that Fox hosts lie on the air, seek retribution for basic journalistic fact-checking, and provide a national platform to conspiracy theorists they know are not credible.2

I don't want to pay for Fox News's manipulation, lies, and lack of evidence. Join me to put pressure on cable service CEOs to make the channel optional for all of us who still believe in democracy and truth. 

Over the years, many advertisers have pulled away from Fox due to its overt racism, right-wing disinformation, and blatant partisan lies. However, it's not advertisers alone that keep it afloat—it's the payments it receives directly from cable providers.3 These deals have insulated Fox from outrage directed at advertisers. If cable providers dropped Fox News—or allowed viewers to opt out of Fox News in their cable package—it would defund this megaphone of hate, racism, and lies.

In the coming months and years, a slew of these deals between Fox and cable providers are expected to be renegotiated.4 And Fox is playing dirty: Days before the the World Cup men's final, they threatened to pull Fox Sports, which carried the game, from a major cable provider unless they were given a lucrative sweetheart deal.5

Add your name to the petition signed by more than 36,000 MoveOn members who have already called for Fox to be removed from mandatory cable packages.

MoveOn has been part of the movement opposing the rise of Fox's lies for decades. But we've never before seen the baldfaced lies that Fox pretends are real on the air be called out so explicitly by its top brass when the cameras aren't rolling. We must use this revelation to demand accountability. 
Thanks for all you do. 

–David, Bekir, Vickie, Nakia, and the rest of the team


1. "Fox Stars Privately Expressed Disbelief About Election Fraud Claims. 'Crazy Stuff.'" The New York Times, February 16, 2023

2. "Analysis: Fox News has been exposed as a dishonest organization terrified of its own audience," CNN, February 17, 2023 

3. "Tucker Carlson is losing advertisers left and right. But Fox's bottom line doesn't suffer." The Washington Post, December 19, 2018

4. "DirecTV And Fox Reach Carriage Renewal, Averting Blackout," Deadline, December 3, 2022

5. Ibid.

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Contributions to MoveOn Civic Action are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes. This email was sent to Andra Patterson on March 4, 2023. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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