| Andra: In a moment, I'm going to ask you to become a 2021 Founding Donor to this history-making grassroots effort so we can keep Georgia and the Senate blue. But first, let me explain why your support today is so urgent -- and what could happen to the future of our progressive agenda without it. | As the first-ever Black senator to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate, I don't take progress for granted. You see, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth -- I had 11 brothers and sisters and grew up in public housing. Years later, I went on to become the senior pastor at the former church of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- and now, I'm fighting for working families in the Senate. | I know what it's like to feel counted out before you even begin. That's what motivates me every day to work toward a future in which all of us have an opportunity to fulfill our God-given potential. Right now, I'm fighting hard to protect voting rights, expand affordable health care and so much more -- but I can't win these critical fights for justice without grassroots folks like you by my side. So please, I have to ask: | Will you become a Founding Donor to help my campaign and keep the Senate blue? I’m counting on your support to maintain our majority, so we can defend voting rights and protect the future of our democracy. | We just pulled out all the stops to win the battle for Senate control -- but we can't afford to sit back and relax. With the Senate split 50-50, Republicans need to flip just one seat to take back control for Mitch McConnell -- and experts confirm that the GOP is zeroing in on me as one of its top targets for defeat. | Plus, CNN is saying that I'm the MOST vulnerable Democratic incumbent heading into next year's election. Simply put: Our progressive agenda is hanging on by a single thread in Georgia's Senate race, and I need your grassroots help to save it. | If we want to keep the Senate in Democratic hands, we have to keep Georgia blue. That's why I'm personally asking, Andra: Will you become a 2021 Founding Donor by splitting a contribution of $250 or more right now between my historic campaign and the DSCC so we can win in Georgia, defend our Democratic Senate majority across the country, and continue fighting for our progressive values? | Thanks for fighting for a better future with me. | – Sen. Raphael Warnock | Rev. Warnock’s title and affiliation are provided for identification purposes only. |
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