Saturday, September 26, 2020

Texas is within reach

A new poll showed that Joe Biden is only three points behind Trump in Texas. With your support, we can reach as many voters in Texas as possible to help them turn out and elect a Democratic majority.

Powered By People

We're coming up on an important end-of-quarter at the end of September — our last big report before Election Day. And, unfortunately, because of how money in politics works, this is the best way to show the national stage that there is momentum happening in Texas this year.

We know there's momentum happening on the ground. Our phone banks show us that every week. Can you help us show the rest of the country just how flippable Texas is by chipping in a few dollars towards our phone bank efforts before this crucial FEC deadline?

Contribute $8

A recent poll showed Joe Biden is only three points behind in Texas. This is the closest a Democrat has been to winning Texas' electoral college votes in years. We really have a chance to win. But now is when we have to put our heads down and get to work so we can close that gap.

In the last few months, Powered by People volunteers have accomplished some amazing feats. We've registered over 90,000 new Texas voters. We've made and sent nearly 40 million calls and texts to voters. We've worked with some amazing State House candidates to increase voter turnout in their districts. All of this was accomplished by grassroots supporters like you.

There are 38 days until Election Day. 38 days to mobilize more volunteers, reach more voters, and make up those 3 points for Joe Biden. Can you make a donation of $3, $8, $38 or whatever you can spare right now to help us show there is momentum on the ground here in Texas?

Thanks for your support,

Powered by People 


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