Saturday, December 7, 2019

Can you join Mark Ruffalo and endorse Bernie Sanders for president?

Friends -

Did you see this note from Mark Ruffalo?

Add your name today to join Mark Ruffalo and say you endorse Bernie Sanders' campaign for president. We are aiming for a LOT of signatures today to show the strength of our movement.

With less than two months to go until the Iowa caucus, now is the time to show you stand with Bernie.

We hope you'll take a moment to read Mark's note below.

- Team Bernie

Bernie 2020

After much deliberation and with an open heart and mind, I have decided to put my full support behind Bernie Sanders' bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The truth is that everything that is most exciting about our Democratic candidates are things Bernie has advocated for during his entire career and in the 2016 election.

Health care for all as a human right...Bernie. Making fighting climate change an absolute priority...Bernie. Equal opportunity education for all and student debt relief for all...Bernie. Fighting corporate greed and corruption...Bernie. Fighting the fossil fuel industry and making sure we keep climate-killing fossil fuels in the ground...Bernie. Non-corporate, people-financed political campaigns...Bernie. Ending American imperialism in our foreign policy...Bernie. Fighting for trade deals that lift the middle class and workers throughout the world over corporate power...Bernie. Uniting people around fairness, justice, racial equality, gender and sexual equality...Bernie.

He is the original progressive from the VERY BEGINNING of his career. And Bernie's campaign is our best chance at beating Trump, and beyond that, bringing an end to this corrupt system we are all living in.

That is why I'd like to ask you to do something important today:

Can you join me in supporting Bernie today by adding your name as an endorser of his campaign? Bernie is counting on a movement built by people like you and me in order to win this election and bring about the changes our country needs.

Bernie has always been who he is today. He has always done the right thing for people and he has never let political winds dictate his positions. That is fresh and real and it adds credibility to what we are doing together on this campaign.

He has shown us throughout his career he has the courage of his convictions. Bernie didn't come to these positions because the Democratic Party was moving this way. He articulated what so many of us have longed for, what so many Americans know we need, and brought the nation and the Democrats to get behind his vision.

That is the kind of leadership we need today, and that is why I need to ask:

Can you add your name to endorse Bernie's campaign today? Show you are part of the movement that is going to transform this country when we are in the White House.

I proudly and humbly give my support to Bernie Sanders. He will make an excellent and historic president in the very moment we are ready for it and need it most.

Thank you for being a part of this campaign.

In solidarity,

Mark Ruffalo


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