Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Here's the situation

THE SITUATION: Tomorrow night Bernie takes the stage at the most important debate of the Democratic primary. We are surging in the polls, but big money is flooding into this race to stop us.

THE MISSION: We need to run the kind of campaign that can capture the enthusiasm for Bernie and our agenda and turn it into votes.

THE JOB: Between now and tomorrow's debate, we are trying to generate as many donations as we possibly can — we'll put each one to work immediately trying to win this race.

THE NUMBERS: By our count, we are hoping 2,815 people will make their first online contribution to our campaign today. That would put us back on track before this debate, and this FEC deadline.


Can Bernie count on you to make a $2.70 contribution before tomorrow night's debate? Help us fight back against the big money flooding into this race to stop us.

OUR THANKS: One of the most important questions of this primary is "who can beat Trump?" Every donation shows ours is THE grassroots campaign that will get the job done.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager


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