Monday, May 6, 2019

I am writing to ask you to make a $3 contribution to our campaign. A group called the “Partnership for America’s Health Care Future” is running ads trying to stop us and our ideas. And I need your help to fight back.

Here is the truth:

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Sisters and Brothers -

In 2018 health care CEOs made more the $1 billion. That is not a typo. How much would they spend to protect the current system that has made them wildly rich while Americans get sick? How much would their companies spend to protect their billions in profits?

A new group called Partnership for America's Health Care Future has begun to spend millions of dollars attacking our campaign and the very idea that health care is a right. This group's members aren't patients, consumers or people impacted by our current health care system — they are insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry's lobbying group.

This corporate front group recently announced a plan for a very large advertising campaign lying about Medicare for all.

They are scared, not of me, but of you and the tens of millions of people who are standing up and fighting for Medicare for all. We need to fight back. And I know if we stand together we can defeat them.

Can you make a $3 donation to our campaign today? I need your help fighting back against the insurance and drug companies spending big to defeat us, and to defeat our ideas.

The insurance and drug companies and their front groups understand that if the American people stand up and fight for Medicare for all, we will succeed. So what do they do? They spend their money to lie to us about what Medicare for all will mean to them. They use the worst kinds of propaganda, designed to scare people into opposing policies that are clearly in their interest.

Why? The answer is simple: so drug companies and health insurance companies profit while people get sicker.

From the start, I have said that we are not just taking on Donald Trump in this election. We are also taking on enormously powerful industries that will spend what it takes to protect their profits.

But if we are in this together, we are going to win.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders


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