Tuesday, January 31, 2023

I am writing to ask you to contribute $2.70 to help continue our work rallying the American people on the issues that will help create a government that works for all of us, not just the one percent. This is important. Thanks. -B

Friends -

First and foremost, I want to thank you for the support you gave me during my presidential campaign. It not only allowed us to run the strongest progressive presidential campaign in modern history, but it revolutionized the way campaigns in this country are funded. It showed the world that you could reject corporate PACs and billionaire fundraising events, rely on small individual contributions, and raise the funds you need to run a serious campaign. This is a lesson that more and more candidates are learning, and it is no small accomplishment.

But we did more than that.

We transformed political consciousness in this country. Ideas that a few years ago seemed radical and utopian have become mainstream.

It was not long ago that the idea of Medicare for All was dismissed and ridiculed by the corporate media and political establishment of this country.

Too radical they said. Fringe. Crazy. Pie in the sky.

Free college and canceling student debt. Same thing.

Climate change as one of the top national security threats to our country. They laughed.

A $15 minimum wage. Forget about it.

Well, they are not saying that any more. Because today, not only do a strong majority of Americans believe in these concepts, but they are overwhelmingly accepted within the Democratic Party.

And if you think these things happened because of me, you would be mistaken.

If you think these things happened by accident, you would be wrong as well.

They happened because of you — because of us.

They happened because of the incredible things we accomplished together over the course of our two presidential campaigns.

They happened because of every donation, every phone call, every door knock, every text message, every social media post, every packed rally and town hall.

That is how change happens. That is the political revolution we talk about.

But, it goes without saying, there is much, much work left to be done.

As you may know, I am taking on a new position as Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (HELP), one of the most important Senate committees. In that capacity I intend to take on corporate greed and fight for the needs of struggling working class families. I also intend to take the committee on the road and hear from communities around the country who rarely have the opportunity to speak before Senate committees.

Further, we have to continue our work electing strong progressives to the House and Senate. Together, we have helped elect more strong progressives to the House than ever before but, obviously, we need a lot more there as well as in the Senate.

And just like our presidential campaigns, I need your help to get these things done. Because I cannot do it alone. It can't just be me. It must be us.

So I am once again asking for your financial support.

Please use this link to contribute $2.70, or whatever you can afford today, to help us continue our work rallying the American people to create a government that works for all of us, and not just the one percent.

Nelson Mandela once said about transformative politics, "It always seems impossible until it is done." This is from someone who walked out of a prison cell after 27 years to become president of South Africa.

Yes. It can be done. Yes. We can create a nation whose guiding principles are economic, social, racial and environmental justice. No one doubts that the journey forward will be long and difficult but, because of you, we are getting closer every day. The struggle continues.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders


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