Friday, April 20, 2012

Today 4 years ago, on the other side of the world, a women gave birth to our daughter. What were the circumstances that made her leave this precious four day old baby outside the Hefei Hospital. Did she believe this child's missing right hand would require more care than she could provide? Did she look into her sweet black eyes and sob knowing she had to leave her. Was she watching from close by to make sure her tiny infant was brought inside?  I can only imagine how her heart must have been breaking. I imagine on this day our child's birth mother is wondering, praying and longing to know that her child is happy and cared for. I can only imagine her sadness as she looks at the date on the calendar and thinks of the child that is not in her arms. Today I woke wondering and feeling sad for this mother I have never met but feel I owe so much.
If only she could somehow know that her sacrifice is a wonderful gift to a family on the other side of the world. I wish she could know that her baby was placed in the arms of a blue eyed, red haired women and family who are completely enchanted and adore this child. If only she could know that this child has been embraced by her new family and community with opens arms and loving hearts. 
In four short months this little girl has melted the heart of everyone she has met.
This date on the calendar is cause for celebration! If this date is our Annie Kate's first birthday she has ever celebrated she is clearly making up for the first 3 years she missed.
Today Happy Birthday was sung at least 15 times through out the day. At Annie's insistence there was a candle in her waffle for breakfast, in her yogurt for lunch and on her yellow cake after dinner. Her  face was price less as she watched repeatedly as the cake spun around on the  musical cake plate that was at each of my birthday celebrations during my childhood. After her nap the Myers traditional "search for your gift" had Annie following the yard through out the house...literally. Daniel and Molly started at Annie's bedroom, ran the string through the living room, out the door, along the north side of the house, back in the front door, to the kitchen, to the laundry room, out to the pool area, along the south side of the house, to the garage and finally to rest at her brand new pink, big girl bicycle!  
Tomorrow the party continues with friends and family, with more cake, a bounce house and I am sure additional renditions of "Hoppy Birfday to Yous". 
Chinese folklore believes that a thin red line connect those who are meant to be together and nothing in the world can break that thread. There is no doubt Annie Kate is where she was meant to be, with us her family. 
I pray for Annie's birth mother. I pray she can be at peace knowing the child she gave life to is happy, thriving and loved beyond words. Isn't that what all mothers want for their children?
Happy 4th Birthday Annie Kate!

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