Sunday, January 15, 2012

Giants Win! High Five!

It has now become impossible to keep up with all the progress, changes, funny as well as endearing experiences with Annie Kate!
She learns and retains so much each day, each hour, that remembering it all is as big  a challenge as writing it down.
Today was football play off Sunday, in particular the NY Giants (home town favorites) against the Green Bay Packers. It was an exciting game to say the least.
With us all gathered around the living room TV Annie very quickly learned to raise her arms straight up in the air while yelling: "yes! yes! yes!" at the top of her lungs. This was followed by running from person to person screaming "high five!" as she slapped hands with everyone. If someone had left the room she had to seek them out. She pointed speaking rapidly in Chinese just in case they had missed the big play! She ate chili and chicken wings as well as a few chips.
A few days ago as we were about to go to bed. I looked up the stairs to find the lights had been, once again, left on in several rooms. Exasperated I threw my arms up in frustration saying: "Oh my goodness", as I climbed the stairs to turn off all the lights.  The new "mini me" followed behind as we went from room to room. Annie raised her arms, then slapped them against her thighs as she exclaimed with perfect inflection: "OOh... my good..ness!" with each room and light she extinguished.
Our bedtime routine is progressing. She still prefers me to stay in her room until she falls asleep. Yesterday as we started our bedtime ritual she pointed to the chair in her room I sit in, turned her palms up and cocked her head to one side in a questioning manner. She then wiggled her fingers like she was playing the piano, flipped her hands back over and said "All gone?" I immediately understood she was asking why I had not brought my laptop in, as I usually do, to work on while waiting for her to fall asleep. When I retrieved it in the other room she said: "OK." 
Earlier this week Teddy and Meaghan came home after not seeing Annie for several weeks. The fear that she would be confused or not remember them was far from the case. She immediately dragged them upstairs to play. Later in the week she would even go on an outing voluntarily with Meaghan...without Mama. In fact, she started to protest when she thought I was coming along. I had to go to the famous kitchen window and wave to her as she pulled out of the drive with her big sister.
Wednesday was Annie's first dentist appt. When we arrived she was not sure she was going to stay but once she realized repeatedly riding the elevator up and down was an option she was willing to give it a try. The old fashion real red dial telephone in the children's waiting area was fascinating to her. She "called" several people and had very loud conversations with them in Chinese. Certainly a phone this old would require yelling if anyone on the other end was to hear.
We were brought into an exam room.  Annie reluctantly climbed into the chair. Somehow she knew that if she pressed the little button next to the plastic blue cup the water would come on and refill the cup. She repeated the drinking/refilling process to the point one would have thought she must have arrived dehydrated. After taking her first sip she also somehow knew the round shaped object next to the water was for her to spit into. As the hygienist explained the tools and what she was going to do Annie seemed to understand by nodding and replying: 'OK."  While waiting for Dr. Farrell after her teeth were cleaned, polished and counted Annie was amused by all the gifts she received like the rubber glove, mask,(which she had to wear) tooth paste, floss and coins to be used in the prize machine. She enjoyed a self guided tour of each room and was in no hurry to leave as if to say:"this place is great and we get to come back every 6 months!!!"

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