Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Anti-voter politicians are coming for our rights

Help Fair Fight close out the month 


July was a busy month for voting rights, breaking news, and motivating our grassroots movement:

  • On July 1, SB 189 went into effect here in Georgia — and could have the effect of disenfranchising thousands of voters;
  • Mass voter challenges are expected to increase in the months leading up to November; and,
  • The GOP nominated two candidates for the White House who believe in voter suppression.

The stakes are clear: voting rights and access to the ballot box are on the line, and it's up to us to protect our democracy. Give today to help our team meet our July fundraising goal so we can fight back wherever and whenever voter suppression is taking place.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically:

Chip in $5
Chip in $25
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Chip in $100
Chip in $250
Chip in Other

Each dollar we raise goes directly towards funding our efforts including educating voters with accurate and timely information and mobilizing volunteers to protect access to the ballot box. I'm constantly grateful for supporters who get these emails and are inspired to make their first gift, because every contribution symbolizes hope that we can achieve a stronger democracy together.

We need to be prepared for more challenges and updates, Pamela. Your contribution makes a powerful difference in our voting rights work.

Thank you for supporting our movement. 

Lauren Groh-Wargo
Fair Fight CEO



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