"Greg Abbott Scratches Promise That People He Governs Will Have Basic Survival Utilities"
Did you see this headline from the Rolling Stone?
The people of Texas deserve a governor who will fight for their health and wellbeing every single day — and that's Beto.
Make a $3 contribution right now to help Beto defeat Greg Abbott. Every single donation we receive today will help us elect a governor who tells the truth, fights for the people of this state, and keeps the lights on.
Contribute $3
While Greg Abbott is going back on his promise to the people of Texas, Beto just began a 2,100 mile drive to more than 20 cities and towns to listen to and learn from Texans who found a way to come through Abbott's deadly power grid crisis.
That's the kind of leadership Texans deserve. Beto is fighting for our families to not just get by, but to have world-class health care, education, and jobs. Abbott won't even protect our basic needs. The choice could not be more clear.
But, we're up against Abbott's $62 million in the bank and virtually unlimited support from corporate energy executives. From day one of our campaign, Beto has refused corporate PAC donations, so we're relying on grassroots supporters like you to power our campaign.
Will you make your first contribution of $3 right now to support Beto as he drives 2,100 miles across Texas to talk to voters in more than 20 cities and towns?
Thank you,
Beto for Texas
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