Andra, there's no more time to waste:
Barack Obama emailed you. Joe Biden emailed you. Kamala Harris emailed you. Chuck Schumer emailed you. Elizabeth Warren emailed you. Pete Buttigieg emailed you. Carole King emailed you.
ALL of these Democratic leaders took the time to personally email you.
That's because they're alarmed. They know Democrats MUST flip the Senate this year.
But we are still $12,932 short of our daily fundraising goal and this is the most important month of the entire election.
We're locking in our FINAL October spending decisions tonight in key Senate races so we cannot fall short. Please Andra, do NOT close this email without pitching in a donation. The Supreme Court is on the line. Our democracy is on the line. Everything is on the line and we need your help >>
Mitch McConnell and his allies are spending STAGGERING amounts of money on attack ads to DESTROY our Democrats in must-win states. If the DSCC fails to meet this goal tonight, our Senate candidates simply won't have the support they need to win.
Please, we've never faced a more important moment:
Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and so many Democratic leaders are counting on YOU to step up right now! Do not let them down. Rush in $250 to defeat Mitch McConnell, flip the Senate, and save our Supreme Court! >>
Scott Fairchild Executive Director, DSCC |
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