Friend, We're learning a lot about our country during this pandemic. For example: While an extraordinary amount of research and development is done in America with taxpayer dollars, most manufacturing of medicines and medical equipment happens in Asia. How this works is, the government, through grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Center for Disease Control, funds research and experimentation, who then give exclusive licenses to the pharmaceutical discoveries to private corporations for manufacture and distribution. But just like electronics and textile manufacturing, corporations seeking to maximize profits have offshored the production of essential medicines. Unlike electronics and textiles though, global demand surges can be deadly when we can't get medicines! We're fighting back! One of the reasons drug prices are so high is that bloodsucking corporations have put their profits ahead of the people, and left us all vulnerable. Drug Prices Are Too High is a new project founded to fight back, and stop the Big Pharma parasites. Chip in to launch Drug Prices are Too High! If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your secure donation will go through immediately: Americans invest too much in pharmaceutical development to get screwed over by foreign manufacturers in an emergency like this one. We need to demand that American pharmaceutical corporations make medicines in America! Together, we'll end Pharma Greed. Thanks, Alex Lawson Drug Prices are Too High |
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