Thursday, October 3, 2019

We can’t triangulate our way to victory

There are two visions for the campaign to defeat Donald Trump. One says you can poll test, focus group, and triangulate your way to victory.

Beto for America

There are two visions for the campaign to defeat Donald Trump.

- One says you can poll test, focus group, and triangulate your way to victory.

- The other says it's exactly that consultant-driven, poll-tested politics that has prevented us from progress in the past.

Beto believes that leadership is not testing the wind or limiting yourself by what the polls tell you is possible. Leadership is doing the right thing.

If you're looking for that kind of leadership, will you donate $3 now? Your online donations keep Beto in this fight, speaking from the heart, not spewing poll-tested talking points.

Contribute $3

Now is not the time to equivocate. It's not the time to follow the polls and the consultants. It's the time to lead.

- Team Beto


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