Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Game changing news from NBC

NBC reports that the majority of Democratic voters haven't made up their minds. We need to work quickly to introduce Beto to as many of them as possible.

Beto for America

We wanted to make sure you saw this:

"Only 9% of all Democratic respondents say their minds are definitely made up."

-NBC News

This is game changing news. It means that this race is absolutely wide open. We need to act quickly to capitalize because we know that every one of our competitors is looking at this exact same poll. And they'll be rushing massive resources out the door to introduce their candidate to these undecided voters.

Pitch in an urgent donation of $3 or anything you can give at this moment to help us introduce Beto to undecided voters across the country. These voters will decide this election. Can we count on you to help us reach them?

Contribute $3

When Beto announced he would run against Ted Cruz, 70% of Texas didn't know who he was. As more voters got to know him, and as people like you pitched in a few bucks to build a grassroots movement that introduce him to people everywhere, his support skyrocketed. Undecided voters began to swing his way. 

We need to do that again, and we need to do it now — while voters still haven't made up their minds. Here are three big things we can do ASAP to reach them:

  1. Immediately invest more in our on the ground field program that is going door-to-door in critical early states. 
  2. Fully fund our far-reaching digital ad efforts that have been proven to work. 
  3. Do everything possible to get Beto on the November debate stage as millions prepare to tune into it. (He hasn't qualified yet)

But we can only do any of that if we have the resources necessary. And right now, we don't. Can you rush a donation of $3 so we can stay competitive with other campaigns as we work to win undecided voters?

With only 9% of minds made up, PACs and special interests are going to get more involved. Beto doesn't accept their help so we're really counting on yours. 

Team Beto



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