Saturday, March 14, 2020

You haven't completed this issues survey yet

Before Bernie and Joe Biden take the debate stage tomorrow evening, we are hoping to hear directly from you about the issues you care most about in this campaign.

Take 2 minutes to complete our latest survey to tell Bernie what issues you'd like to hear about during the debate.

These surveys help us keep track of our movement's top priorities, as well as how those priorities change over time. So thank you for adding your response today.

- Team Bernie


Friend -

We're asking some of Bernie's top supporters to take our pre-debate issues survey before Bernie and Joe Biden appear in the first one-on-one debate of this primary on Sunday.

You've been selected to share your input:

Take two minutes to complete our pre-debate issues survey. It's important that we know what your priorities are before Bernie takes the debate stage on Sunday.

Earlier this week Bernie discussed some of the questions he plans to ask Joe Biden during the debate. Here are a few:

What is Joe going to do to end the absurdity of the United States being the only major country on earth where health care is not a human right? Is he really going to veto a Medicare for All bill?

How is Joe going to respond to the scientists who tell us we have 7 or 8 years remaining to transform our energy system before irreparable harm takes place to this planet because of the ravages of climate change?

What ideas does Joe have to end the absurdity of billionaires buying elections and the three richest people in America owning more wealth than the bottom health of our nation?

But before Joe Biden hears from Bernie, Bernie needs to hear from you.

By taking this latest survey, you'll help our campaign know which issues you want to see covered.

Take our quick pre-debate survey to tell us where you stand on the issues before Sunday's debate.

Thanks for weighing in. Your feedback is important to our campaign.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie


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