Monday, March 16, 2020

A difficult decision

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Friend, I wanted to tell you myself: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the DSCC is canceling all of our in-person campaign events and fundraisers until further notice.

I'll be frank with you: This decision will cost us money. A large chunk of our fundraising is going to dry up. And to compensate for this shortfall, our Democratic Senate campaigns will need the support of this online community more than ever.

Mark Kelly, Jaime Harrison, Amy McGrath, Sara Gideon -- all of them are doing well in the polls, but this crisis could fundamentally upend our ability to get them the resources they're going to need to win in November.

Mitch McConnell's operation will have special interest mega-donors to pick up the slack, but our candidates will be looking to this community of online grassroots donors. I mean it when I say that our ability to flip the Senate depends on how we respond in this moment. So please:

Will you rush a donation to help defeat Mitch McConnell and flip the Senate? Every dollar you give will help our Democrats win in November.

It's impossible to overstate how important it is for us to take back the Senate in November. And this crisis -- a crisis that Americans are confronting together -- has made even clearer how important it is to remove Mitch McConnell from power.

Last week, rather than work with House Democrats to provide immediate relief for American families, businesses, and health care providers, Mitch McConnell sent the Senate home for a 3-day weekend.

Mitch McConnell's inaction in the face of this pandemic doesn't lessen the need for a Democratic Senate majority. If anything -- it makes it even more important. McConnell is asleep at the wheel and it's our duty to hold him accountable.

But, in order to do that, we need this online community to step up and be more active than ever in the coming weeks.

Will you step up with a $5 gift to help flip the Senate? Every single dollar you give will be used right now to give our candidates the resources they need to flip critical Senate seats and take back the majority >>

Please, take care of yourself and your loved ones. And then, together, let's make sure our Democrats have enough resources on hand to continue fighting for our families.

With my full appreciation,

Scott Fairchild
Executive Director, DSCC

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