Sunday, August 4, 2024

Too close to call...

Hillary Clinton is sounding the alarm:
Hillary Clinton: "Our fate could be decided by a handful of votes in just a handful of critical races."

Hillary is ABSOLUTELY right: Taking back the House this November will take an UNBEATABLE grassroots effort.

Now that MAGA mega-donors are FLOODING must-win districts with MILLIONS, we cannot afford for a single Democrat to sit on the sidelines.

If Mike Johnson keeps control of the House, his cronies could do irreparable damage to our democracy.

Please: Can you rush $3 or anything you can spare today to heed Hillary Clinton’s urgent warning and help DEFEAT MAGA extremists at the ballot box? Your donation today could make all the difference in the race to win back the House in November. House Democrats are counting on the support of this whole team to flip red seats blue and defend vulnerable incumbents. Can we count on your $3 to the DCCC?


Suggested Support: $3

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