Saturday, August 3, 2024

📎Democratic Alert #4303907 for you


I’m about to explain why this election is so important and why your support is critical to our chances of victory. With extreme MAGA Republicans in control of the House, the stakes of this election could not be higher. That’s why I’m relying on your help to raise 48,012 gifts before our fundraising deadline. Will you please rush $3 to the DCCC so we can capitalize on our momentum, take on the MAGA mega-donors and protect every single battleground Democrat? >>

Our democracy is under attack.

These right-wing extremists can never be trusted. Full stop.

Extreme MAGA Republicans are working behind closed doors to enact a far-right agenda that threatens the fundamental rights of everyday Americans by:

– Banning history books
– Suppressing the vote
– Ending reproductive freedom
– Decimating Social Security and Medicare
– Defunding federal law enforcement
– Enacting big tax cuts for the wealthy, the well-off and the well-connected

All while promoting the false conspiracy theory that the twice-impeached former president won the 2020 election.

House Democrats will never bend the knee to extreme MAGA Republicans who have abandoned our democracy.

That’s why it’s critical that we lay the groundwork now for a historic victory. We can’t let a single moment go to waste. I’m counting on your grassroots support to mobilize voters across the country, rush resources to our most vital races and take back the House for Democrats. Will you chip in $3 to the DCCC right now? >>


Suggested Support: $3

This election will be a historic opportunity for Democrats to take back the House. We will need all hands on deck to propel us to victory in November.

This means we only have two paths forward:

– We can either sit back and let extreme MAGA Republicans cling to control of the House, lock Democrats out of power and force their far-right agenda across our nation...

– Or rush $3 to the DCCC before the deadline to stop Team Extreme in their tracks, help us win back our majority and emerge stronger than before. >>

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Chip in $1 immediately >>
Chip in $35 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Chip in $250 immediately >>
Or chip in another amount >>

Thank you,

Hakeem Jeffries

Chip in a weekly recurring $1 to elect House Dems >>

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