Saturday, September 1, 2018

๐Ÿ“Ž need input, NOT money:

I’m relying on your response to my Two-Month Deadline Survey before midnight tomorrow. Can I count on you?
My friend Nancy Pelosi emailed. Now I’m emailing. That’s how badly we need your input to take back Congress.
I’ve received responses from 16,243 Democrats -- but I’m missing yours. Quickly, can I count on your response to my Two-Month Deadline Survey before midnight tomorrow?

As the Congressman in charge of taking back the House, I’m spending every waking moment gathering feedback from Democrats like you.

I’m relying on your response to my Two-Month Deadline Survey before midnight tomorrow. Can I count on you?
YES! →   NO →

My friend Nancy Pelosi emailed.
Now I’m emailing.
That’s how much we’re relying on your input to take back Congress.
Can I count on you to take 3O seconds to respond to my critical Two-Month Deadline Survey before it closes at midnight tomorrow? >>
I can’t believe we’re only two months away from the most historic midterm election in history.
So trust me when I say I’m spending every possible moment gathering feedback from Democrats on the ground, because I know what is at stake in November’s election -- President Obama’s progress, our health care, our planet, and our very democracy.
Coming up short in two months is not an option. We must take back Congress.
But I can’t win back the House alone. I need every single Democrat to have a seat at the table if we’re going to pull this off.
So I’m humbly asking you to take 3O seconds to share your priorities with me. I’m genuinely relying on your feedback. >>

Thank you so much,
Congressman Ben Ray Lujรกn
DCCC Chairman
P.S. I’m asking a fourth time. That’s how critical your input is to winning in two short months. I’m counting on 5O,OOO survey responses by midnight tomorrow. >>

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