Thursday, July 3, 2014

Annie Kate and Mommy's summer "ab-ven-tor"

 Annie Kate and I decided we needed to make a plan for our summer vacation or it would certainly slip by. So we made a list of all the fun things we want to do and places we want to go this summer!

Let the "ab-ven-tor" begin!
 First stop, strawberry picking! Last year we went here with our dear friends from AZ on a very hot, humid day and the strawberries were all gone so we picked raspberries.
This year Annie and I had a great day for strawberry picking. Tow whole buckets.

Annie Kate would pick one and say: "Wow, dis one is a beut-tee!"

Truly this child can teach us so much about loving the small simple things in life. Every day is exciting to her, everything is an adventure,  any experience is "Da best day ever"!

Joy, absolute pure joy!

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