Sunday, March 25, 2012


When falling asleep Annie Kate still comforts herself by laying face down in her little bed while banging her head onto her pillow. All the expects ( and even the Internet) claim this is harmless. Due to my bionic hearing I can hear her rhythmic motion from the adjacent room. It breaks my heart to think she developed this habit as a way to put herself to sleep alone in the orphanage.
Last night I heard the familiar head banging coming from her room. As I knelt down next to her bed and stroked her black velvet hair she turned towards me as I whispered: " Mommy is right here." With eyes half closed she looked up at me as the sweetest smile I have ever seen grew across her face. Her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep the smile lingering on her precious face. The expression of peace on her face brought tears to my eyes. I could have stayed there watching her all night.

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